Hospitals and Hooey or Health?
ignorance is vincible.
We don't know because we don't want to know.
It is our will that decides how and upon what subjects we shall use
our intelligence.
Those who detect no meaning in the word do so because, for one
reason or another, it suits their books that the word should be
meaningless." - A. Huxley.
"In them
is fulfilled the prophecy of Essias, which saith,
By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive;
for this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of
and their eyes they have closed;
lest at any time they should see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and should understand with their heart and should be converted,
and I should heal them." - Matt, 13:14-15.
The only
reason for perpetrating this pamphlet is that resources for dealing
with disease are available so far in advance of anything in orthodox
use or view, that silence would be a crime. The
writer's only excuse is that having been snatched, solely by grace
of the One Healing Life-giving Power, from the very brink of
destruction, and since then precariously preserved, an obligation
has been placed upon him, by the same Power, to co-operate in the
purpose for which he's been spared.
Spiritually Insolvent
If ever a
misbegotten system cried and begged for reform, it is the medical
system today. Arbitrary
and tyrannical, the medical, of all the great instruments evolved by
physical man to his own undoing, is one of the most unspiritual. Far indeed
from solving the problem of disease, misaligned modern medical
"science" has become in fact the second in importance of its two
principal causes, the first being that people continue living
unhealthily. Those who
have usurped authority in matters relating to health and disease
know nothing of primary cause.
They Do Not Know What
Health Is, Nor How It Is Maintained. They Do Not Know What Disease
Is. Nor How It Is Brought About. They Know Nothing of the Natural or
Spiritual Resources Either for Maintaining or Regaining Good Health.
All that
remains is artificial expedients for dealing with effects; and a
smiling land uniquely endowed for wellbeing, littered and plastered
from end to end and from side to side with the sick, the maimed, and
the dead, is tragic evidence of inadequacy. The
medical failure can no longer be minimised. It becomes continually
more conspicuous and acute. As with
most of his systems, this failure attests Adamic impotence
competently to contend, from limited human resource, with problems
always ultimately non-material. No one in
particular is to blame. Censure is not involved. Methods,
more than men, are at fault. Vision has been restricted to the
physical; but, now, we must "look with three eyes".
Intellectually Bankrupt, As
particularly medical men, are obsessed by fear of disease. They live
in unthinking dread of disease as some sort of inevitable reality,
which must be "prevented" or "cured".
Contemporary medical practice is inspired by, inculcates, and
couldn't exist without fear. But,
mostly, we cause our disease ourselves, if we didn't, there
wouldn't be much disease. There's
little to fear, for those who live healthily. And if we
wish to be rid of disease, the one imperative need is: Stop
Causing Disease. It is
strangely (because spiritually) paradoxical that, with good health,
happiness, safety and prosperity among his most eagerly sought
objectives, man should have devised means to these ends which are
increasingly materialising their opposites. Doctors
are for ever toiling to fight, treat, "cure" or prevent disease.
that isn't their job. The more people "fight disease",
the more and the worse the disease, and the bigger the hospitals...
Influence of Diet, Need for Investigation
“Notwithstanding the great
advance in our knowledge of the value of diet regulation in the
treatment of disease, very few hospitals of to day are adequately
equipped to feed patients properly according to modern dietetic
principles.” - Dr Charles Clyde Sutter, MD in “New York State
Journal of Medicine”, Vol.14, 1914.
to public hospitals increase 126%; to mental hospitals 105%.
There was no more important factor for those interested in the
physical welfare of the people than nutrition and it was becoming
increasingly apparent that the diet of the people right from birth
needed investigation.” - Sir James Elliott in 1938
The state
of Health of the Society, shows the state of its accepted philosophy
and principles of Medical Trade Practice.
Overcrowded City
Hospital, Warning to Wellington
average of patients 6 years ago was 580. The daily
average last month was 1,931. In 1934
waiting lists were comparatively small except for one section.
Today there were 1,138 patients on the waiting list: 12 months ago
it was 741." - Dr. A. R. Thorne,
Retiring Superintendent's Report, in “Auckland Star”, 10 December
Only Effective Way to Combat Disease is to
Cultivate Health
God, the Life Power, that is, will, almost always, restore us to
Health and keep us well ... if we do our part. And our part is
Willingness and Obedience. Medical Trade Doctors "fight disease",
but neither teach, encourage even allow (and seldom practise), good
health. Yet all most people need do, to become or keep well is: Live
Healthily, And
Cooperate Intelligently With Nature's Efforts To Heal.
"Prejudice squints when it looks, and lies when it speaks"
Practically the entire system of modern Medical Trade, so-called
science is founded upon a misconception that mistakes: an Effect for
the Cause, and the Symptom for the Disease. Searching,
outside ourselves, for the cause, and "cure", of troubles arising
within, there were discovered, sometimes associated with certain
phases of the disease process, minute living organisms or "disease
germs." It was
concluded, not unnaturally but totally erroneously, that these were
the cause. More
enlightened reasoning discloses, however, that "disease germs," when
present at all as a relevant factor, which is comparatively seldom,
are merely an accompaniment, usually an effect, and Never the
primary cause of the disease process. Medical
men invariably look in sick bodies for the cause of
disease. That is
one reason why they never find the real cause; for the primary
cause of disease is Never in the body, that's where effects
appear. The Cause
will almost always be found In The Mind Or The Manner Of Life (or
both). That is
where the cause must be sought and correctives applied.
Trade "diagnosis", "prevention" and "treatment", are based upon
the transparent absurdity that "germs" are the cause of disease! Thus the
manifold abuses really responsible are ignored, and so allowed, and
even encouraged to continue.
Diagnosis: consists chiefly in giving some symptom a name,
usually, as experience has shown, a wrong one. Together
with "investigation", and "observation", it serves, for the most
part, to conceal the fact that would-be healers have not the
remotest idea what is really amiss.
Treatment: is mainly masking, modifying, or temporarily
abolishing symptoms or effects, most of which disappear of
themselves when the cause in the mind or the manner of life is put
Medical Trade Education: is throwing dust in people's eyes
to keep them in ignorance.
Immunisation: consists of inoculating deadly and unpredictable
disease into healthy bodies, to keep them well.
Research: specially the sinister industry called "cancer
research," signifies devising continually "improved means to
unimproved ends."
Million upon pitiful million of defenceless creatures, entrusted by
our Creator to man's care, are doomed, in its name, to futile
revolting cruelty, and heartrending death. The whole
sorry, materialistic, unprofitable, cruel, ludicrous, lucrative
fraud persists, mainly, because nobody thinks. The merit
of enlightened testimony can often be gauged by the ridicule, scorn,
and opposition evoked. The most
arduous task in life is persuading people to see the self-evident;
and the shortest road to disfavour is witness to truth. Few are
yet governed by reason. The more
logical and incontrovertible any proposal, the more inevitable the
reaction of stubbornness, prejudice, fear, tradition, self-interest,
or mistaken belief.
People don't think, won't even try.
People are still ruled by their unconscious minds.
People act and react automatically and instinctively in terms of
conditioning to stimuli arising in their physical selves or
environment. Not one of
our 4 great systems, educational, financial, medical,
or political, could survive 5 minutes, logical examination hacked by
honest action. But if
civilisation is to survive and the new age be born, the unthinking,
instinctive must give place to the Spiritually Logical, action and
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Good
There is
only One Healing, Living, Loving, Life-giving Motivating Power in
the Universe. That
Universal Life-giving Power, and the Life Force in ourselves, are
one and the same. There is not, never has been, never will be, and
never need be, but this One Source of Healing and Health. Among His
resources and attributes are goodness, good health, happiness,
safety, and prosperity; knowledge, wisdom, understanding; creative
power and spiritual love. That Power manifests in and through us, in
terms of His Own Nature, and the
degree of our response If We Do Not Prevent. And if,
through ignorance, folly, or sin, we stand in the way, and poor
health, misery, ruin and chaos result, why... get out of the
way? Because the Power will manifest When We Stop Preventing Him.
But remember: "The Law", through which alone the Power of Good can
Why Be Ill?
are 3 Absolute Indispensables of Good Health:
1. A
confident, quiet, contented, charitable, health conscious, mental
outlook and habit of thought.
2. Reasonable moderation and wise choice of foods: avoid,
like the plagues
they produce, refined or faked foods.
3. Healthy general habits, with regard to sufficiently active
outdoor exercise, rest, water within and without, breathing,
clothing, and posture.
There are
numerous others, of course; but observe all these, and we shan't go
far wrong.
To the
degree of our falling short, does disease result:
Negative Emotions
Thoughts, or Beliefs, either conscious or unconscious
Gluttony and Food Foolishness
These are the great fundamental reasons for disease, to which must
be added Therapeutic Efforts at Cure.
Physical Roots of Disease are:
1. Toxic Accumulation
2. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency
symptoms may be, please note that carefully, Whatever They May
Be, the Cause will almost invariably be found In The Mind or The
Manner of Life. Men are sick in their bodies because they are sick
in their souls; and they are sick in their souls because they do not
comprehend the relationship between themselves, as
individualisations of it, and the One great Universal Motivating
Life Force and Intelligence. Experience has shown again and again
that, if the Causes are understood and put right, the symptoms or
effects exhibit a commonly astonishing tendency to disappear of
themselves, by reversal of the process that brought them about. In
case after case, no physical help is required. When it is, make sure
the expedients do help... not get in the way! The Life
Power the "Physician Within", will put things to rights, in body,
mind, soul or estate, in the individual or in the mass, when
men stop putting them wrong.
Nothing Be Done?
Don't be
unduly disturbed if you've been told "nothing can be done." Sooner or
later, usually sooner than later, every sick person told that.
But this
pronouncement is usually based on a false premise; and many a
sufferer has regained good health after a death sentence from
Medicine. You may be
unlucky when you're told "nothing can be done for you." It is when
Medical Doctors says it can that it's wise to beware. If you, or a
friend, or a relative are sick, Ask Yourself Why. It is not, as a
rule, what is outwardly wrong that counts, still less, what name it
receives. What really matters is, Why Aren't You Well? Stop
making yourself sick, and probably you'll get well!
Anyway, you can hardly expect someone to make you well, while,
either wilfully or ignorantly, you go on thinking, eating, or doing,
the things that are making you ill?
This Relief, Not Much Thanks"
Do we
really suppose it possible to go on thinking like idiots, feeding
like fools, and acting like knaves, and get rid of the consequences
by swallowing poison or having pieces cut out? People are
terrified of disease, but not in the least afraid of living so
ignorantly, so stupidly, so grossly, so idiotically, so swinishly as
to make catastrophe inevitable. Not till
God's healing begins, do they panic for protection to men mostly in
like case with themselves. And then
it is relief the sick crave, not reform. The Medical Trade undertakes, at a price, which,
eventually the healthy must pay, to oblige. But The
Price Has Become Too High.
whether of body, mind, soul, or estate, whether in the individual or
in the mass, is mostly: A More or Less Gradual Degenerative Process,
going on within, due to failure to comply with the requirements of
well-being. Of this
process, Acute Illnesses are commonly Natures Method of Cure. Healing:
whether of body, mind, soul, or estate, whether in the individual or
the mass, is a More of Less Gradual Regenerative Process, the
outcome of Repentance and Obedience to Law.
Millennium Held At Bay!
partial appreciation of Acute Illness as commonly curative will
banish the fear of disease and loosen its Hold Torpedo the Medical
Trade Craft, and throw light upon the Divine redemptive
evolutionary plan. Human
bodies, impelled by the "Healer Within", are Self Cleansing,
Self-Healing "machines". Toxic
accumulation, from unwitting or wilful abuse, gives rise to disease. To prevent
it, the body reacts from time to time, and extrudes, through the
eliminating mechanism put there to that end, this poisonous waste. When it
does so, we are temporarily upset or "ill'. Much fever
is a fermentive reaction, the purpose of which is to burn up waste.
"Disease Germs": are mostly man's friend. Their main mission in
life is destruction of filth. They are produced by and bred in
disease. If you
don't want their presence or help, Keep Your Bodies From Gathering
Filth, And Live On Live Foods. Most Acute
Illnesses are Nature's (God's) method of ridding our systems of
waste, which would otherwise cause disease. They are
"house-cleanings", "healing crises", preventing collection of
dangerous dirt.
They are Nature's protecting reactions against existing disease.
But for
Acute Illnesses, the human race would have ceased to exist long ages
Suppression of such protective reactions, however seemingly adroit,
is, usually, the height of unwisdom.
A big proportion of chronic disease is a direct result of
suppression of Acute Illnesses. Yet the one really impressive
achievement of Medical Trade “Science”, is the
increasingly effective suppression of acute illnesses. Believing
these Illnesses caused by the "germs", Medical Trade Medicine kills
millions of germs, and almost as many men. Abolishing
symptoms which are Nature's warnings, or (worse still) evidences of
her efforts to heal, without adequate measures to deal with their
cause, is merely preventing Nature from achieving her beneficent
purpose of protecting us from the consequences of error or sin. To employ
to this end (as Medical Trade does), means almost invariably
destructive and disease, producing in themselves, is surely to plumb
the last depths of human ignorance.
Really Cares?
(as we have known them) are Disease Factories,
Turning Out Corpses and Chronics,
Like Sausages From
a Machine!
The sick
go to hospitals for relief. Essential reform is never given a
thought. Hospital
activities, being mostly spiritually misaligned, consist, in too
many cases, of attempted and often irrelevant suppression, by purely
physical means, of symptoms or effects, by ineffectual and
illogical means to wrong ends. By
calamitous, though almost always kindly intentioned enough, wrong
methods, based upon an almost complete misapprehension of its nature
and origin, they repeatedly cause disease and prevent recovery. The sick
have their symptoms cut, burned, and doped; but few indeed are
restored to good health thereby!
Out or 10 Who Become Ill, Need and Ought Not! And 3 out of 4 of the
Sick Who Today are Packing our Hospitals To Capacity and Miles
Beyond, Need, Never Darken Their Doors. They
could, and should, get well in their homes; and would, If They
Stopped Making Themselves Sick. The only
correct solution of the problem of Hospital accommodation is...
reduction of the demand. By
adoption of Principles here given, we can half empty our hospitals
in the first few weeks; and thereafter progressively lessen the need
for beds. Health
Reform is a national, individual, Spiritual-cosmic, inexorable
Terms of Conditioning
1. Hospital
Boards don't think: administration consists of development and
extension of things as they've always been. Policy
wrongly assumes that the self-styled "expert" knows his job.
Education Authorities won't think. Besides,
the higher the Allopathic Medical "education", the less, in too many
instances, the capacity to think.
"Religious" and Political Organisations refuse to think, and
emphatically deprecate any such tendency. If people
began to think, they'd be among the first to go.
4. The Poor Public can't think, they are taught not to think. And any
possibility that they might, is carefully guarded against by
misleading propaganda ceaselessly let loose through all channels of
5. The
Medical Trade simply daren't think, their,
stuff is based upon such obvious and demonstrable fallacies. More over,
they are only too uneasily aware that whenever anyone thinks bang
goes the Medical Trade.
Brothers Keeper?
Meanwhile there are tens of thousands of wretched sufferers, who can
easily, quickly, cheaply, painlessly, and safely get well, if they
like. And
thousands of thousands more, who would rather be killed by
Medicine, than recover by common sense. And thousands besides who
would rather die than get well. And how many others who will, in
time, become sick, but ought Enough Is Already Known to enable us
Now, To claim
for most if not for all of these, good health and immunity. And every
endeavour is being made, by interests battening upon avoidable
miseries, to bamboozle people and conceal the truth.
Mene, Tekel, Upharsin! (N.Z.)
been the way of our world. But the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
We are
offered salvation, deliverance, from poverty, sickness and sin, on
ascending scales of New Life. Shall we
wallow, like hogs, in the muck? The
challenge of this rapidly intensifying world Epoch is: response to a
spiritual standard. That
challenge cannot be evaded. The
writing is on the wall. We are
being "weighed in the balance". The God of
Battles has drawn His sword... and heaven help those who are "found
"Expect Ye
Repent”: The diseased condition of our people, stock, crops, and
soil, is a national menace, without further colour of excuse. This
little land was created, is commissioned, and must be consecrated to
lead the world in the new era of health and prosperity. But health
and regeneration, whether of body mind soul or estate, whether in
the individual or the mass, can' be had only' in terms of Repentance
from error and sin, and Obedience, to spiritual-cosmic law. But obedience
to His Law comes only through sufficient response to the Spirit of
Good. The Law, of itself, cannot redeem.
Valley of Decision
There are
not lacking those who, given understanding, will place truth
and honour above prejudice and self interest. Such will
be prepared to live healthily and spiritually, logically whatever
the cost to themselves; counsel befriend, or instruct (as
opportunity offers); and unite with others like, minded in
fostering a private and public Consciousness that will give
exploitation pause. The extent
of our co-operation will be the measure of our sincerity. Love of
Good cannot be expressed except by obeying His Laws. The
world is in painful process today of teaching itself that man
cannot, successfully, conduct his affairs from limits of human
resource Let the craven, the glutton, the sluggard, the exploiter
the humanly self-confident, repent, obey, and be healed. Whether or
not the New Age will be born depends, perilously, upon increasing
individual sensitivity, receptivity, and response to the Spirit and
Law of Life. Only so
can Divine Plan, Process; and Purpose come to fruition. Far be it
from the writer to belittle those whose professional attainment,
devotion, and self-sacrifice are far in advance of his own. If
defective methods and beliefs have been pilloried, it is, in
confident anticipation of the day, soon to be, when, united in
increasingly enlightened dependence upon spiritual-cosmic Principle,
we enter, under Him "upon whose shoulder the Government is", into
the New World Order." - Dr Ulric Williams, MD, MB, Ch.B., 1941.
The Healing Work of
Bruno Gröning's, in Herford, 1949
Thousands of sick people and those
seeking help besiege Gröning
Dieter Hülsmann had been bedridden for some time. He was suffering
from progressive muscular dystrophy, and none of the doctors or
professors who had been consulted had been able to help. After Bruno
Gröning began working with the boy, he was suddenly able to walk
again. Mr Hülsmann, an engineer, astounded by the sudden healing of
his son, asked Bruno Gröning to stay. He wanted to invite other sick
people, this “miracle man” should help them as well, said Hülsmann. Bruno Gröning
accepted the offer, and from one day to the next, more and more
help-seekers arrived. Increasing numbers of people learned of the
miraculous events surrounding Gröning. It wasn't long before
everyone was talking about him. The newspapers reported about the
"Miracle Doctor," and in the British Zone he became the subject of
daily conversation. Thousands of people poured into Wilhelmsplatz,
and throngs of people besieged the house. Manfred Lütgenhorst, from
a daily newspaper, the Münchner
Merkur wrote on 24 June 1949: "When I arrived in Herford at
about 10.30 am, there were almost 1,000 people standing in
front of the two-story house in Wilhelmsplatz. It was an
indescribable picture of suffering. Countless numbers of people in
wheelchairs, others brought there by their relatives, blind, deaf
and dumb, mothers with mentally and physically disabled children,
old women and young men, were crowded together and groaning. Almost
one hundred cars, trucks and busses were parked around the square,
and all had come from far away."
Paralysis, ulcers, blindness: “Mr
Gröning looked at me, and now I am totally healthy.”
Manfred Lütgenhorst
continues, “‘Do you believe you’ll be healed?’ I asked one of the
sick people. She nodded. One of the people said to me, ‘You should
have been here yesterday. Bruno Gröning was not here, but in Viersen
in the Rhineland, and here, in the square, five crippled people
stood up and went home healed. Distance healing, the yard healed
them.’ The other sick people confirmed what had been said. I made my
way further through the throng and recorded their amazing stories.
These alone are enough to fill a book. As I lit a cigarette, a young
man near me said, ‘Please, sell me one!’ He was wearing a uniform
jacket and looked like a serviceman who had returned from Russia. I
gave him a cigarette. He lit it and said boisterously, ‘See, I can
do everything myself.’ He moved his right arm, his fingers, and his
right leg. ‘Did Bruno Gröning heal you, too?’ I asked him. ‘Yes, my
right side was paralyzed in Russia. Bruno Gröning looked at me and
now I am totally healthy. I still can't fully grasp it.’ Happily, he
swung his limbs. I headed for a group of people surrounding a
white-haired woman of about 40 years of age. ‘Of course,’ I heard
the woman say, ‘I have been healed by Bruno Gröning. I had huge
stomach ulcers, was getting thinner and thinner and couldn't sleep
any more because of the pain. There were twelve of us with Gröning.
He looked at me, and it seemed to me as if the ulcers fell like a
stone to the ground. Since then, I don't have any pain. I'm putting
on weight, and the X-Rays I had done show indisputably that the
ulcers have vanished. I put myself at the disposal of the Medical
Review Commission. I can tell you, they were astonished!’ The woman
continued, ‘But that's not all. Last week there was a blind man here
in the square. He waited several days and nights without a break.
Because I’m often here, I noticed him. I felt sorry for him, and I
invited him for a meal. ‘No,’ he declined, ‘I mustn't miss the
moment when Bruno Gröning comes out.’ I brought him some rolls and
said to him that I would make sure that someone would take him to
the railway station. ‘I don't need anyone, because I will be able to
walk to the station alone.’ And then I saw it with my own eyes.
Bruno Gröning came, and the young man cried out, ‘I can see again!’
Truly, the veil was wiped from his eyes. He described the handbag I
was carrying. He said, ‘There goes a car, and that’s the license
plate number,’ and he found his way to the station alone. Everyone
who was standing nearby was weeping for joy.’
Healing prohibition by city
officials and the medical community
It wasn't long
before the authorities also concerned themselves with the events. A
board of inquiry was formed, and Bruno Gröning was banned from
healing. A few influential doctors were his declared enemies. They
used every means at their disposal to prevent his activity and
demanded that his healing ability be scientifically tested. The real
reason for the healing prohibition, however, is clear from the
following statement by influential medical people who were involved.
“Gröning can prove whatever he wants, but he will not be given
permission to heal.” “It offends the professional honour of the
doctors to associate with Gröning.” At the end of June, he had to
leave Herford permanently. All efforts to obtain permission to carry
out healing had failed.
The Gröning Phenomenon and
Medical scrutiny in Heidelberg promises written certificate
In this time period
1949 in Herford medical specialist contributors of the magazine
Revue, began studying Gröning’s
healing success. Professor Dr. H.G. Fischer, a psychologist from
Marburg, travelled to Herford with a special staff of
correspondents. There he held interviews with healed people and had
to confirm, much to his own astonishment, that Gröning’s “method”
was truly a success. As a result, the
Revue, decided to help attain a scientific explanation for the
“Gröning Phenomenon.” The “healing method” of the “Miracle Doctor”
was to be researched at the University Clinic of Heidelberg. Bruno
Gröning agreed to Fischer's proposals because Fischer promised to
give him a positive expert testimonial, should things go well.
Gröning hoped that he had found a way to work in freedom.
Healings before the doctor’s eyes
- "Bruno Gröning is no charlatan"
The investigations
began on July 27. The people on whom he was to prove his skills were
selected from the over 80,000 sick people who had written to him for
help. In addition, there were several patients from the Ludolf Krehl
Clinik in Heidelberg. They were all given thorough examinations, and
exact diagnoses were established. They then came to Gröning, who
used his ‘method’ on them. Doctors were present the whole time. They
were witnesses to the fact that some illnesses spontaneously
disappeared. Afterwards, examinations in the clinic confirmed the
healings. Even incurable illnesses such as ankylosing spondylitis
were healed. In a report, reproduced in the
Revue, Dr. Fischer states
emphatically that Bruno Gröning is no charlatan, rather a naturally
gifted doctor of the soul. In so doing, he tried to explain the
“Gröning Phenomenon” from his point of view, without really doing
him justice.
Gröning forbids profiteering
The final
certificate granting Gröning permission to heal, was to be issued
after all the results were evaluated. Bruno Gröning was assured that
the way would be cleared for him once and for all to continue with
his work. In the meantime, Dr. Professor Fischer and Professor
Weizäcker (who were responsible for the whole exercise) made Bruno
Gröning the following proposal: they wanted to build healing
centres, in which he would work side by side with doctors. The
doctors, however, were to be responsible for managing and selecting
patients. To this Bruno Gröning responded, “The financial matters
proposed to me in connection with this proposal were such that they
were unacceptable to me. Naturally, there were several discussions
about this, including with people who wanted to finance this work. I
was not able to agree to the proposal from Dr. Professor F. and
turned them down because firstly, I do not have a penny to my name,
and so I cannot accept any financial commitment which I am unable to
fulfil. And secondly, I have never considered making a business out
of the entire undertaking. For me it was an impossible request.
Besides, I wanted to do only that which belongs to my calling; to
help the help seekers and therefore make myself available to doctors
such as psychotherapists, but on no account to make a business out
of the whole matter.”
Absence of the certificate and
potential conflict with the law
Bruno Gröning’s
contrary attitude led the professors to lose interest in him. The
certificate they had promised was never issued. Instead of providing
him with the freedom to continue his work, new obstacles were placed
in his way. As a result of the research being carried out, his
“healing method” was referred to using words such as “treatment,”
“patient” and so on, and thus was judged to be medical practice. A
conflict with the law relating to "Non-Medical Practitioners Act", was
thereby inevitable.
Florence Nightingale & Hydropathy
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale was
an English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of the
Nursing Profession.
not be here were it not for Malvern (Hydropathy Treatments). In
August 1857, after my work at the Royal Sanitary Commission, and
after 4 weeks of anxiety and exertion, I was told that my life was
not worth 24 hours purchase - and I knew it too.
I owe 3
years of life to the water-cure at Malvern.
disparage the wet sheet packing - I know it has saved many lives in
fever. I am sure it saved mine.’ She explained that the term 'hydropathic
treatment' misled people into believing that ailments could be cured
solely by the use of water.” - Letter to Edwin Chadwick in 1860
In this
letter, Florence Nightingale outlines her belief that patient health
depends on the environmental conditions in which they recover from
injuries and diseases. She recommends cleanliness and clean air, in
addition to whatever directly medical treatment the patient is
undergoing. At the time she wrote this letter, Nightingale was
already a national hero, the legendary ‘Lady With The Lamp’ of the
Crimean War. While serving as a nurse in Crimea from 1854 to 1856,
she noticed that more soldiers in her care were dying from
infectious diseases than were dying from wounds. She thought this
was due to overcrowding and malnutrition, but her proposed
solutions, better ventilation and better sanitation, were
effectively the foundation of modern nursing.
Transcription of the
letter from Florence Nightingale to Edwin Chadwick who was a social
reformer noted for his work on reforming sanitary conditions for the
8 September 1860
Dear Mr Chadwick,
"I make haste to answer
your question as to my experience (as an old nurse) in the
'application of the water cure to incipient consumption,' especially
as it regards so valuable a life.
In incipient tuberculosis,
[where the object is to avoid local congestion, the water treatment
(not as a charm, as Englishwomen take medicine, but as part of a
treatment) I have seen to be most effectual, the rest of the
treatment being open air during the greater part of the day] (riding
or otherwise, according to the patient's strength), bedroom
ventilation at night, diet, founded upon improved digestion, the
result of the open-air exercise, sometimes gentle gymnastics, much
cold water sponging and little wet-sheet packing.”
There are Five
Essential Points in Securing the Health
Nightingale in “Notes on Nursing: What it Is, and What it is Not”
1860, page 24.
1. Pure air
2. Pure water
3. Efficient drainage
4. Cleanliness
5. Light
Florence Nightingale
“There are a few who never allow
themselves to speak against others, and exercise such a kind of
authority as to prevent others being spoken against in their
hearing. These are the “peacemakers” of whom Christ speaks. These
are they who keep a Home or Institution together, and seem more than
any others in this our little world to bear the image of Christ
until His coming again.” - Florence Nightingale
“We must then see if we are “rooted and grounded in Christ Himself,”
to nurse as He would have us nurse, as He was in God, to do His
Saviour-work. Am I His, or am I not?” - Florence Nightingale
“What is it, “setting an example”? An example—of what? Who is our
example, that we are to set? Christ is our example, our pattern:
this we all know and say.” - Florence Nightingale
“Is not this what Christ meant when He said, “The kingdom of heaven
is within you”? “The kingdom of heaven” consists not in much
speaking but in doing, not in a sermon but in a heart. “The kingdom
of heaven” can always be in a Nurse’s blessed work.” - Florence
“To be the Gospel is the only way to “preach the Gospel,” which
Christ tells us is the duty of every one of us “unto the end of the
world”—every woman and Nurse of us all; and that a collection of any
people trying to live like Christ.” - Florence Nightingale
Whether in having a drain cleaned out,
or in ventilating a hospital ward, or in urging the principles of
healthy construction of buildings, or of temperance and useful
occupation, or of sewerage and water supply, I always considered
myself as obeying a direct command of God, and it was ‘with the
earnestness and reverence due to’ God’s laws that I urged them....
For mankind to create the circumstances which create mankind through
these His Laws is the ‘way of God’.” - Florence Nightingale
The Principle of Health
Health Professionals must help those in
need: To be in Harmony Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.
Has All
Healing must be of a Positive Nature, and the Willingness of the
Body Desire for Wellbeing and Health at its core must be based in
the Willingness of the Spirit.